Thursday, January 08, 2009

Carmella DeCesare...NOT!

It's Carmella the first puppy to beat Distemper in the US. Out of curiosity I decided to do a Google search to see how many times my Carmella came up, and to my disappointment found page after page devoted to the same sex industry star. It was as if her promoters bought the entire fist 20 pages on Google! ***Well, psyche!*** Every once in awhile the little guy prevails.

I thought, "No wonder Etsy seems to be the only place through which people are finding my blog!" With such a monopoly I was hard-pressed to find any other Carmellas. There were maybe 2 others that I could find links to (and I had to search for quite a long time).

However, one thing that was encouraging was that when I searched Giftbearer and Etsy other bloggers' features of my shop and my blog came up fairly often because of the 90 Day Challenge I started last year around the holidays. Those blogs that featured me continue to come up on Google with my name or blog referenced long after the original post, so maybe the key to getting the word out is for multiple bloggers to write about Carmella in their blogs as well.

A year ago I had theorized that such an approach would work to boost Google ratings and not only did it turn out that I was right, but the long-term effect was even more positive than I'd anticipated! The one post on each participant they blogged about had residual visibility again and again!

So if you feel like you just can't compete with the paid Google position folks, don't dispair. There is more than one way to skin a cat...(and sometimes it's with a dog, hee, hee). If any of you are interested in trying this experiment blogging about Carmella I would be very interested to see how it turns out and to report in my blog what kind of impact we have. Here's one more way the community can come together to help Carmella. Maybe we'll attract some dog-lovers from a variety of other places in addition to Etsy.


My Inspired Reality said...

Carmella is looking good:):)

Giftbearer said...

Thanks! Slowly but surely her Mange is getting a little better each day.

Giftbearer said...

I checked Google again and it looks like nobody has blogged about Carmella yet, as the porn star still has a monopoly, page after page.

I'd love to see whether we can change that.

If anyone does blog about my Carmella please let me know and I'll check to see if Google picked it up.

Kim Caro said...

depending on how many hits the blog sites have then they will get above that lame porn star. i can post about her... iwouldnt knwo what to say even though i read your site lol

Giftbearer said...

Thanks Kim, that wold be great! The more people who do that the better. You can just give a short summary and a link saying something about that she was adopted from a shelter and that I'm trying to raise money to pay off her vet bill and to educate the public about these diseases that affect many dogs in Carmella's situation.

i have three heads said...

cute dog. Mange looks terrible, poor thing. I'm glad she's being taken care of.

TheresaJ said...

Hi there -- not sure what would be the point of "Carmella" (the word/name) coming up at the top of search lists. Those of us who know and love Carmella aren't going to be searching for her on Google. If you want the general public, or those looking for help with their own pets, to find out about Carmella and her journey, they would be searching under distemper, distemper cure, etc., not her name specifically. I was looking over the posts on this page and although this post has distemper in the tag, the others don't, I guess because they were more about her mange problem and, therefore, you used that tag. I would keep distemper, distemper cure, and anything other similar tags you use in every post, whether you are talking about her distemper or not, since that is your blog's focus. Also, when you use the tag "autoimmune disease," I would put canine in front of it just to weed out autoimmune disease in general in the searches. I think it's really all about tagging and then views. The more views, the higher your ranking, right? And I would be very specific about tagging -- maybe even using the names of the procedure or the medications used for her cure. The more specific, and less general, the better chance of coming up on top of some of the searches -- and the better chance or coming up on top for some people who are really searching for answers for their own pet/s.

Perhaps rather than others blogging about Carmella, you could make up a Carmella widget that others can place on their blogs -- one that will either take them to your blog or to a page with a SHORT story about her (a screen shot size) with the option to donate. I would think a cute photo with a "Click here to help with Carmella's vet bills", or something like that would be a great widget that would get some clicks on other blogs. Having the widget, which would always stay on the front page, and every page, has less chance of being buried and more chance of being connected to more pages than a 90 day challenge.

Anyway, that's just my two cents, for what it's worth.

My best to you and Carmella, always.

- Theresa

Giftbearer said...

Hi Theresa,

I would love to create a widget for people to put on their blogs but I really don't know code well enough. That one donation button on my blog had specific instructions to copy and paste it into my sidebar but to this day I cannot figure out how to get that Paypal button to display. All that came out is "Make". It works, but is very rudimentary.

Do you know how to do this?

I'll see if I can add the tags to some of the more recent ones on Mange, but I usually use the maximum tags the thing will hold, so will probably have to remove some for it to post.

Distemper is one issue I want to daw attention to but I also want to raise consciousness about the plethora of health problems that plague many shelter dogs and the catastrophic costs associated with alot of shelters' failure to take proper care and lack of disclusure to new owners.

I really wish Blogspot would increase the number of tags allowed, because I can't seem to get all of the pertinent ones in.

Rain Willow said...

Carmella is a very beautiful dog! Keep fighting on her behalf!! <3