Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Promotional Frenzy is on a Roll!
I  just had to give an update on how the Promotional Frenzy thread is doing! Things are really picking up momentum, and it's paying off for more and more people!

The above treasury appeared on Etsy and apparently was picked up by some big name blog because tonight the creator of it,  reported that it was getting a tremendous number of hits and was at the top of the treasury chart which includes literally hundreds; it was definitely getting more attention than what normal Etsy traffic would have brought it. I couldn't go in and look directly because I am on my old desktop computer which almost completely conked out during the BNR treasury on Monday night, so got me a screen shot of it. My laptop is going to the shop in the morning and I hope to have it fixed by next Monday's BNR treasury. Despite having to get to pinch hit halfway through, the BNR generated alot of interest in the thread itself, and a fair amount of overall sales although not as many as the week before. Etsy was running funkily as well.
(By the way, my necklace is the big sterling leaf in the middle).

Things are moving again for me too. Tonight really paid off!
There were 35 participants at the Tuesday Frenzy event at 9:00 PM and the larger number seemed to really increase everyone's overall item views. We probably won't know all the results from this event for another 2 days. Sometimes people make sales from it over a period of a few days; not always on the day of the event. I predict we will be hearing from participants about more sales between now and the end of the week.

It's as if a huge wave or a freight train is heading down a steep incline propelled by its own weight.
To get on the train follow the track here;

1 comment:

Jill Q said...

Where ever did you get that lovely screenshot?