Wednesday, August 06, 2008

On The Road Again!

Well, we're back on the path. After much calling around it looks like we finally have a vet who is willing and able to do the spinal tap procedure with the NDV, found at a clinic that does both traditional and alternative medicine, and it's only about 8 miles from my house! He is one male vet in a practice with all women, and after the receptionist told him what needed to be done he told her he's almost sure he's going to do it. This vet just wants me to bring Carmella in on Saturday first so he can look at her and read her history before giving the definite OK. He's the most promising prospect we've come across so far! I gather that we will have to schedule another day for the procedure itself so that he can plan his schedule accordingly, since it is like surgery. She will have to be put under general anaesthesia, and watched closely afterwards to make sure she doesn't go into shock and they'll have to be ready with anti-shock meds just in case.

I'm so excited that soon she will be fully cured of this and that the dark shadow will be gone from our lives.

Since the weekend she has been like a new dog; growing in both length and height, gaining weight (4 Lbs in just a few days), eating well, and playing.

I never thought I would be happy to see a puppy chew on my sleeve, but I know that means she's feeling much better and that's a good sign! Her coat is starting to get shiny, and she no longer has the smell of dead, rotting meat on her or coming from her mouth. She has the sweet puppy smell she's supposed to have.

She doesn't have the tremors when she's moving but I just notice them when she sleeps or at certain random times when she's lying still.

I called Dr. Norwood's office and had his receptionist fax over Carmella's progress notes and test results to this other vet so he'd have it before Saturday.

Today is a joyous day!

Many thanks to Bev Gallerani of MangoTango for your help the other day.

Coral Treasure Fine Silver,
Sterling and Dichroic Glass Necklace

I am getting ready to pay some toward the bill, so purchases would be greatly appreciated. Check out my Carmella Collection and other unique pieces of art jewelry I have available! You can all help Carmella in her recovery from Distemper.

Cell Clusters (from the Carmella Collection)

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